Wednesday 6 July 2011

The highly regular, and sometimes startlingly angular shape of some well formed crystals can seem eerily out of place in the world of Nature, with its more familiar curving and flowing lines. It's no wonder, then, that a rich history of mystical and mythological lore pre-dates, and coexists with, today's chemical and physical understanding of crystal structure.
Imagine the reaction of our ancestors, so used to the shapes and forms of flowing water, curling fire, gnarled tree branches, curving shell, roseate flowers and sinuous leaves, when they saw something that looks like the images below, perhaps in a mass of rock on a hillside, or upon cracking open an ordinary looking boulder:

These beautiful handles, lovingly made in our studio in Nottingham, are ideal to add that finishing touch to any boring drawer or cupboard in your home.
They are made from cast aluminium, but  are incredibly tactile and soft and smooth to touch. 

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